Dr. A.G. Sreenivas
Address (with email & Mobile) : College of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
Email: agsreenivas@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9481467772 &7892693746
Service period (in years) : 22 years
Educational qualification (Highest) :M.Sc(Agri.),Ph.D, Commonwalth Post Doctorate (UK), Post Doc. Higher Training at CIMMYT, Mexico
Area of Specialization : Pest Management
Courses taught :
UG | Pest of Crops and Stored Grain Pests and Their Management, AET 301 (2+1)
PG | Plant Resistance to Insects, AET 509 (1+1) Pests of Field Crops, AET 511 (1+1) Pests of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, AET 512 (1+1) |
- Projects :
Title of the Project | Nature of Project (DBT/DST/ GoK/UAS/Private etc.) | Name of the Funding Agency | PI/ Co-PI/ Leader/ Co-leader/ Nodal Officer/ Lesion Officer etc. | Total Outlay (in Lakhs) |
- of students guided
M.Sc | 05 |
Ph.D | 00 |
- Research and Extension Activities :
Technologies Developed | Contributed as |
Integrated pest Management of cotton under irrigated situation for TBP area. | Co-leader |
Management of sucking insect pests of Bhendi with imidacloprid 70 WS seed treatment @ 5 g/kg seed | Leader |
Integrated pest Management of chilli under irrigated ecosystem of Upper Krishna Project Command area. | Co – Leader |
Organic approach for the Management of chilli pests under irrigated ecosystem of Upper Krishna Project Command area. | co leader |
Management of fruit borer, H. rmigera on chilli by Novaluron (Rimon) 10 EC @ 0.75 ml/lit. | Leader |
Integrated Approach for the management of Shoot and fruit borer of brinjal | Leader |
Management of Powdery mildew of green gram by Propiconazole @ 0.5 ml/lit. | Co – Leader |
Release of PTR – 6 Tomato variety | Co – Leader |
Integrated Pest Management of Groundnut under irrigated ecosystems | Co – Leader |
Management of sucking insect pests of Bt cotton by Dinotefuron 20 % SG | Leader |
Management of storage insect pests by sweet flag rhizome powder | Leader |
Management of defoliators on onion by Chloranthriliniprole 18.5 SC and Spinosad 45 SC. | Leader |
Cultivation practices for Direct Seeded Rice in TBP and UKP command area. | Co – Leader |
Solar powered Knapsack sprayer | Co – Leader |
Management of thrips on chilli by tolfenpyrad 15 % EC | Contributor |
Management of thrips on onion | Contributor |
Management of stem borer on sorghum | Contributor |
Production of Elite seedlings through organic technique in paddy | Collaborator |
Management of seed crop through organic technique | Collaborator |
Management of seed crop through organic technique | Collaborator |
Development and evaluation of portable MAP (CO2 flushing) unit for grain dis-infestation | Collaborator |
Nanotechnology based water purifier | Collaborator |
Management of purple blotch of onion | Collaborator |
Release of Dual purpose chilli variety CPGP -2-75-98 (HDC-75) | Co – Leader |
- Publication details (Last 5 years)
Research papers | 105 |
Research notes | 26 |
Papers presented national / International symposia | 98 |
Lead lectures in symposia/conferences | 10 |
Kannada papers | 65 |
English | 15 |
Leaflets/folders | 20 |
Chapter in Books | 4 |
Books (kannada) | 4 |
Agro-Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) IPM package for Sugarcane, Tobacco, Mustard / Rapeseed Turmeric, Citrus, Banana, Garlic, Ginger. | 9 |
Name of the honour | Name of the organization / Institution | Year |
University Gold medal for I rank in Ph.D degree | UAS, Dharwad | 1997 |
Best poster award for the excellent poster presentation on large scale demonstration of cotton “Integrated Pest Management in the Upper Krishna Command area of Karnataka”, | National Symposium on “Changing World Order – | 2004 |
Best Young Scientist of the year 2005 award | National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), | 2006 |
“Suvarna Karnataka Kannadiga Prashashti” | Suragimath Sahitya and Samskruti Samsthe, Beelagi | 2007 |
Eminent Scientist of the Year 2009 | National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi | 2009 |
AZRA Young Scientist Award 2010 | Applied Zoologists Researcher Association, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha | 2012 |
Research Incentive Award 2014 | UAS, Raichur | 2015 |
Dr. Vasantharaj David award 2016 | Applied Zoologists Researcher Association, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha | 2016 |
“Green Transport Technology of the Year Award”2016 | St. Joseph’s College, Bengaluru | 2016 |
Best oral paper presentation award | Mahima Foundation and BHU, Varanasi. | 2016 |
Best Poster Prize Award | 13th Agricultural Science Congress | 2017 |