Dr S G Hanchinal
Designation : Scientist (Entomology)
Address (with email & Mobile) : AICRP on Cotton, Main Agricultural Research Station, Raichur- 584104
Email: shanchinal@gmail.com
Mobile: 9448416132
Service period (in years) : 10 years
Educational qualification (Highest) :Phd
Area of Specialization : Pest management/IPM/SIT/Bioassays
Courses taught :
UG | Fundamentals of Entomology AET 101 (2+1) |
PG | Plant quarantine AET 520 (2+0) |
PG | Insect Anatomy, physiology and Nutrition, AET 502, (2+1) |
- Projects :
Present | AsPI-2 |
Past | As Co-PI: 10 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Project | Duration | Funding Agency | Budget outlay (Lakhs) |
1 | Exploration and exploitation of natural enemies of cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley(PI) | 2012-14 | UAS,Raichur | 2.0 |
2 | Evaluation of various insecticides against cotton pests.(PI) | 2012-2020 | Various Pvt Ltd companies | 35 |
3 | Investigation on the Present Pigeonpea Pest Complex and Their Management with Emphasis on Radiation Technology as an Integral Component in IPM(Co-PI) | 2013-2017 | Dept.of Ag &Co-OP, GOI | 490 |
4 | Precision farming(Co-PI) | 2013-15 | RKVY | 100 |
5 | e-pest surveillance under protected crop ecosystem(Co-PI) | 2013-15 | RKVY | 100 |
6 | Radiation technology (SIT) for management of pink bollworm as an integral component of IPM(Co-PI) | 2017-20 | RKVY | 56 |
7 | Evaluation of mating disruption technique (SPLAT) against pink bollworm on Bt cotton (Co-PI) | 2017-18 | ATGC Ltd | 12 |
8 | IRM: Dissemination of Pink Bollworm management strategies(Coordinator) | 2018-2020 | CICR | 24 |
9 | ZBNF (Co-PI) | 2017-2020 | GOK | 150 |
10 | Evaluation of Bt hybrids against insects pests | 2016-2020 | ICAR | 60 |
- of students guided
M.Sc | 6 |
Ph.D | – |
- Research Achievements
- Recorded five parasitoids on cotton mealy bug, solenopsis and predators like Scymnus coccivora (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Gitonides perspicax (Diptera: Drosophilidae).
- Gamma dose of 150 Gy suppressed the Maruca vitrata population and can be incorporated in IPM of pigeonpea.
- Gamma dose of 300 Gy recommended for suppression of all the three species of bruchids as phytosanitory dose.
- Gamma dose of 150 Gy suppressed the pink bollworm population and can be incorporated in IPM.
- Small plate sleeve traps with change of lures at 45 days interval proved better for management of PBW in cotton.
- Recommendation of various insecticides for the management of cotton pests and included in POP. Four sprays viz., neemdhan 1500 ppm@5ml/l, Lamda-Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 1 ml/l, Chlorpyriphos 20% EC 2.5ml /l and Thiodicarb 75% WP 2g/l at 45, 60, 90 and 120 days after sowing,respectively recorded maximum cotton yield of 32.15 q/ha.
- Developed IPM for PBW in cotton.
- Demonstration of mating disruption technique for PBW in cotton.
- Involved as entomologist in release of Intra- hirsutum hybrid cotton BGDHH 697 for irrigated situations of Zone 2 & 3 in India.
- Involved as entomologist in release of ccotton variety BGDS 1033.
- Extension Activities
FLDs : 120
Farmers trainings : 25
Diagnostic field visits : 30
Radio/TV programs :12
Whatsapp/Phone messages :200
- Publication details (Last 5 years)
1 | RACHAPPA V, S.G.HANCHINAL, CHANDRA SHEKHARA., SWETHA SURUPUR,B.V.PATIL, R.K.SETH AND SUHAS YELSHETTY,2016, Refinement and evaluation of artificial diet for rearing of legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata(Geyer) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Legume research. 3782:1-7. | 6.34 |
2 | ASHRITH K N, A.G.SREENIVAS,GURUPRASAD G S, HANCHINAL, S.G. AND KRISHNAMURTHY,D.2015. Carryover of insect pest in direct seeded and transplanted rice, Progressive Res.10(V):2888-22890. | 3.84 |
3 | ASHRITH K N, A.G.SREENIVAS,GURUPRASAD G S, HANCHINAL, S.G. AND KRISHNAMURTHY,D.2016. Status of insect pests and natural enemies of direct seeded and transplanted rice, Int.J.Agri.Sci.8(52):2472-2478. | 4.20 |
4 | RACHAPPA V ., CHANDRA SHEKHARA., CHANDRAGOUDA PATIL., HANCHINAL, S.G. AND SUHAS YELSHETTY,2017, Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on rearing of field collected spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata(Geyer) at laboratory conditions, Res. Environ. Life Sci. 10(5)458-460 (2017). | 3.74 |
5 | RAMESH A. KULKARNI, A.PRABHURAJ, J.ASHOK, S.G.HANCHINAL AND SHARANAGOUDA HIREGOUDAR,2017,Generation and evaluation of nanoparticles of supernatant of Photorhabdus luminescens (Thomas and Poinar) against mite and aphid pests of cotton for enhanced efficacy; Current science;112(11): 2312-2316. | 6.76 |
6 | K. N. ASHRITH, A.G.SREENIVAS,GURUPRASAD G S, NAVEENKUMAR B PATIL,HANCHINAL, S.G. AND INDUSRI CHAVAN,2017, Influence of weather parameters on the occurrence of major insect-pests in conventional rice ecosystem, Oryza.54(3):324-329. | 4.44 |
| S. Deepak, A. G., Sreenivas, S. G., Hanchinal, K. T., Vendan and S. S., Patil,2019, Thermo-tolerance characterization and bioassay of selected entomopathogenic fungal (EPF) isolates on larva of Spodoptera litura Fab. Journal of Applied and Natural Science 11(1): 182-187 (2019). | 4.84 |
8 | R.K.,Seth,B.V.,Patil, .,Mahtab Zarina, Zubeda Khan,S.G.,Hanchinal, Rachappa Haveri, Akshatha Gopalkrishna and Ranjana Seth,2020, Studies on the ontogenic radio-sensitivity in Callosobruchus species complex to establish a generic dose of phytosanitary irradiation as a post harvest quarantine treatment for disinfestation of pulses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry Volume 171, June 2020, 10868. | 7.98 |
9 | R.K.,Setha,B.V.,Patil, .,Mahtab Zarina, Zubeda Khana,S.G.,Hanchinal, Rachappa Haveri ,Akshatha Gopalkrishna,2020, Radiation biology of a serious tropical pigeon pea pest, Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and potential of radiation mediated ‘Inherited (F1) Sterility technique’ for the pest suppression”. Int. J. Radiation biology, | 8.27 |
10 | A.G.SREENIVAS, S.G. HANCHINAL, SUSILA NADAGOUDA, M.BHEEMANNA, A NAGANGOUD AND NAVEENKUMAR B PATIL,2015, Management of sucking insect pest complex of Bt cotton by using dinotefuran-a 3rd generation neonicotinoid molecule, J.Cotton.Res.Dev.29(1):90-93 | 4.69 |
11 | S.G.HANCHINAL, B.V.PATIL, A.NAGANGOUDA AND A.G.SREENIVAS.2017. Impact of insecticides and biorationals on parasitoids of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley of cotton. J.Cotton.Res.Dev.31(2):305-308 | 4.69 |
12 | AKSHTHA G, SHIVANAND HANCHINAL, B.V.PATIL,PRABHURAJ A, AND DIWAN J,2017,Studies on the field efficacy of gamma irradiated male M.Vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera:Crambidae):in comparison with chemical spray; Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies;5(6): 644 – 649 | 5.53 |
13 | S.G.HANCHINAL, B.V.PATIL, A.G.SREENIVAS.2017. Management of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley of cotton with insecticides and biorationals. J.Cotton.Res.Dev.31(1):102-107. | 4.69 |
14 | S.G.HANCHINAL, B.V.PATIL, A.G.SREENIVAS.2017. Crop loss estimation due to mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in Bt cotton. J.Cotton.Res.Dev.31(1):128-132 | 4.69 |
15 | S,G., Hanchinal, Shivaleela, Mallikarjun Warad and Akshatha, G.,2018, Efficacy of novel insecticides against sucking pests and bollworms of cotton. JEZS 2018; 6(4): 1782-1785 | 5.53 |
16 | M. SHRIDHARA, S.G. HANCHINAL, A.G. SREENIVAS, A.C. HOSAMANI AND J.M. NIDAGUNDI,2019, Evaluation of Newer Insecticides for the Management of Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(3): 2582-2592 | 5.38 |
17 | HANCHINAL S.G, AKSHATA G, A.G, SREENIVAS, AND M. BHEEMANNA 2018, Present status and holistic approach for the management of pink bollworm in cotton. In: the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.372-378 |
18 | A.G, SREENIVAS, SHREEVANI G N, HANCHINAL S.G AND P.R.BADARIPRASAD, 2018, Present and future scenario of insect pests of cotton for the changing climatic situations. In: the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.120-128. |
19 | P.R.BADARIPRASAD, A.G, SREENIVAS AND HANCHINAL S.G, 2018, Integrating info chemicals for the management of pink bollworm in cotton. In the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.381-383 |
20 | Patil, B. V., Bheemanna, M., Hanchinal, S. G. and Kariyanna, B. 2020, Status of Bt Cotton in India: Problems and Perspectives. In proceedings of “XVII AZRA International Conference on Frontier Research in Applied Zoology and Insect Pest Management Strategies: A Way Forward for Food and Nutritional Security” held at University of Agricultural sciences, Raichur from 12-14 February 2020. p.76-85 |
21 | HANCHINAL S.G, AKSHATA G, A.G, SREENIVAS, AND M. BHEEMANNA 2018, Present status and holistic approach for the management of pink bollworm in cotton. In: the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.372-378 |
22 | A.G, SREENIVAS, SHREEVANI G N, HANCHINAL S.G AND P.R.BADARIPRASAD, 2018, Present and future scenario of insect pests of cotton for the changing climatic situations. In: the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.120-128. |
23 | P.R.BADARIPRASAD, A.G, SREENIVAS AND HANCHINAL S.G, 2018, Integrating info chemicals for the management of pink bollworm in cotton. In the compendium of lead and invited papers presented in the International congress on “Cotton and other fiber crops” held at ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam (Barapani) from 20 – 23 February 2018. P.381-383 |
24 | Patil, B. V., Bheemanna, M., Hanchinal, S. G. and Kariyanna, B. 2020, Status of Bt Cotton in India: Problems and Perspectives. In proceedings of “XVII AZRA International Conference on Frontier Research in Applied Zoology and Insect Pest Management Strategies: A Way Forward for Food and Nutritional Security” held at University of Agricultural sciences, Raichur from 12-14 February 2020. p.76-85 |
25 | S.G.,HANCHINAL, M.BHEEMANNA, K.S.SARIKA AND G. AKSHATHA, 2020,Radiation technologies(SIT) For Management Of Cotton Pink Bollworm,Pectinophora gossypiella (Sauners) (Lepidoptera: Gelichiidae) as an integral component of cotton IPM. National symposium on “ Cotton production technologies in the Next Decade: Problems and perspectives”. Bubaneshwar,Odisha.22-24 January |
- Honours/Recognition
Sl. No. | Name and designation of Scientist | Name of Award / Recognition / Distinctions | Awarding Institute |
1 | Dr. S.G.Hanchinal | Best oral paper presentation award.
| National symposium on “Behavioural Ecology and management of Agriculturally Important Insects and other Animals” UAHS Shivamogga |
2 | S.G.Hanchinal | Dr. ANANAD PRAKASH award for contribution in the field of Entomology | Applied Zoologists Research Association, Bhbaneshwar During 17th International AZRA conference held at UAS, Raichur, Feb 2020 |
3 | S.G.Hanchinal | Best oral presentation award | Applied Zoologists Research Association, Bhbaneshwar During 17th International AZRA conference held at UAS, Raichur, Feb 2020 |