Dr Prabhuraj Aralimarad
Designation : Head of the Department
Address : Department of Entomology, UAS, Raichur
Service period (in years) : 23 years
Educational qualification (Highest) : Ph.D in Agricultural Entomology from University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore
Area of Specialization : Insect ecology with special reference to migration and reproductive biology
Research accomplishments:
- Designed and developed e-SAP which enables identification of pest/diseases and nutritional disorders of major agricultural and horticultural crops right in the farmers’ field and provide advisory.
- eSAP technology is currently adopted throughout Karnataka state empowering officers of Agriculture and Horticulture department of GoKfor crop health management
- Developed an effective, eco-friendly and economical IPM strategy for H. armigera in chickpea by integrating H. indica with other biopesticides.
- Evaluated different liquid formulations of P. luminescens against sap feeders of cotton, brinjal and bhendi under field condition.
- Identified increased efficacy of P. luminiscens against mites and other sucking pests through Nanotechnology .
– Recipient of CSIR Senior Research Fellowship for the Ph. D. Programme
– Recipient of ICAR Junior research Fellowship for the M.Sc. (Agri.) Programme
- Recipient of ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru National award for Ph. D for the year 2000
- District young scientist award for outstanding contribution in the field of Agricultural entomology
- Recipient of University of Agricultural Sciences Gold medal for having completing the M.Sc.(Agri.) in Agril. Entomology ‘with Distinction’
- Recipient of team award of eINDIA2010 for the best project on “Re-designing agriculture education-research-extension continuum” in e-agriculture category. The award was received from Miss. Agatha Sangma, Hon’ble MOS for Rural Development, Govt. of India at National eINDIA2010 conference at Hyderabad.
- Recipient of “e-Agriculture ICT initiative of the year 2014” award at national level instituted by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industries of India (ASSOCHAM) during March 2014 at New Delhi.
- Recipient of “BEST TEACHER” award for the year 2014 instituted by ICAR during 4th Convocation of University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur.
- Recipient of “WSIS 2018 PRIZE” instituted by UNO-ITU for eSAP application during 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland
Total number of Publications : 113
Scientific papers in International journals : 15
- Scientific papers in refereed journals : 48
- Research notes in refereed journals : 22
- Key note address : 01
- Books : 01
- Book chapter : 01
- Articles in popular magazines and news papers : 17
- Leaf folders : 09
List of papers published (NAAS rating 4 and above)
- Patil Jyothi1, Prabhuraj Aralimarad ORCID1*, Vijaya Wali2, Shivansh Dave3, M. Bheemanna1, J. Ashoka1, Patil Shivayogiyappa1, Ka S. Lim4, Jason W. Chapman5,6, Sanjay P. Sane3, 2021, Evidence for facultative migratory flight behavior in Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) in India, PLOS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245665 January 22, 2021; 1-13 (NAAS: 8.78; Impact Factor- 2.86).
- Ratnamma, Harischandra Naik R, Prabhuraj A, Nagaraj M Naik and Bheemanna M, 2021, Determination and dissipation of acetamiprid using LC-MS/MS in okra, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2021; 9(1): 110-116 (NAAS: 5.53)
- Ratnamma, R. Harischandra Naik, M. S. Pallavi, Pavankumar, M. Bheemanna and A. Prabhuraj, 2021, Estimation of pesticide residues in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) and risk assessments, J. Farm Sci., 33(1): 105-112 (NAAS: 4.42).
- B. Kariyanna, A. Prabhuraj, R. Asokan, A. Agrawal, R. Gandhi Gracy, P. Jyothi, T. Venkatesan, M. Bheemanna, B. Kalmath, J. R. Diwan, Y. Pampanna and M. Mohan, 2020, Genome mining and expression analyses of Carboxylesterase and Glutathione S-Transferease genes involved in insecticide resistance in eggplant shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Frontiers in Physiology. 11: 1-13 (NASS: 9.20).
- Kariyanna B., Prabhuraj A., Mohan M., Bheemanna B., Basavaraj Kalmath, Pampanna Y., and Diwan J. R., 2020, Insecticide usage pattern and evaluation of resistance in egg plant shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in India. Plant Archives, 20 (2): 1255-1261 (NAAS: 4.41)
- Beeranna Kariyanna., Aralimarad Prabhuraj., Ramasamy Asokan., Govindraju Ramkumar, Tiruvengadam Venkatesan, Ramasamy G. Gracy. and Muthugounder Mohan, 2020, Genome mining and functional analysis of cytochrome p450 genesinvolved in insecticide resistance in Leucinodes orbonalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, DOI, 10.1002/bab.997: 1-12. (NAAS;7.56)
- Beeranna Kariyanna., Aralimarad Prabhuraj., Ramasamy Asokan., Prasad Babu., Sushil K. Jalali., Tiruvengadam Venkatesan., Ramasamy G. Gracy. and Muthugounder Mohan. 2019. Identification of suitable reference genes for normalization of RT-qPCR data in egg plant fruit and shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee). Biologia. (https:/doi.org10.2478/s11756-019-00346-4) (NAAS: 6.70).
- Maraddi G. N., Prabhuraj A. and Hiremath G. M. 2019, Analysis of stakeholders towards eSAP-An ICT tool for pest management: an empirical study, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 8 (4); 1489-1497 (NAAS: 5.38)
- Abdul Khadar B., Prabhuraj A., Srinivasa Rao M., Nagnagouda A., Srinivas A.G. and Beladhadi R.V. 2018. Biochemical and developmental response of gram caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) to elevated CO2 conditions. Journal of Agrometeorology, 20 (Special Issue-1): 80-84. (NAAS: 6.56)
- Shankarmurthy M., Nagaraj S. K. and Prabhuraj A. 2018. Natural incidence of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Sounders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on Okra (Ablemoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). Entomon. 43 (2): 139-142. (NAAS: 4.42).
- Saroja, Basavaraj Kalmath, Bheemanna M. and Prabhuraj A. 2018.Evaluation of UV protectant for wettable powder formulation of native Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) isolate against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in the laboratory. Journal of Biological control. 32 (3): 179-186 (NAAS: 5.34)
- Keerthi M.C., Somasekhar, Prabhuraj A., Bheemanna M. and Krishnamurthy D. 2017, Effect of weather parameters on seasonal incidence of sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies, 5 (5): 1684-1687. (NAAS: 5.53)
- Giri Nagaharish, M. Shankar Murthy, A. Prabhuraj Somasekhar, Shekahragouda S. Patil, 2017, Survey and documentation of Pyraloidea fauna associated with horticulture crops in zone-1 and 2 of Karnataka India. Entomon, 42 (2): 139-144. (NAAS: 4.48 )
- Basavaraj S. Kalmath, Prabhuraj, A., and B.V. Patil, 2017, Bioefficacy of Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41 strain against different species of mosquitoes. Biopesticide International, 13 (1): 65-70 (NAAS:4.82).
- Ramesh Kulkarni, Prabhuraj, A, Ashok, J, S.G. Hanchinal and Sharnagouda H, 2017, Generation and evaluation of nanoparticles of cell free supernatant of Photorhabdus luminiscens against cotton mite and aphids, Current Science (Accepted for publication)
- Shankar Murthy N., Nagaraj, S. K and Prabhuraj. A. and Kalleswaraswamy, 2015. Rice leaf folder Cnephalocrosis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on wheat (Triticum aestvum; Poales: Poaceae) in India. Florida Entomologist. 98 (4); 1269-1270. (NAAS: 7.06).
- Shankar Murthy N., Nagaraj, S. K and Prabhuraj. A. 2015. Agriculturally important Pyraloidea (Lepidoptera) of India: key to subfamilies, current status and preliminary checklist. Entomon, 40 (1): 23-68. (NAAS: 6.0 )
- Manjushree Hiremath, N. M. Shakuntala, S. N. Vasudevan, Md. Ibrahim, A. Prabhuraj and Sangeeta, 2015, Characterization of paddy genotypes through image analyser and electrophoretic technique of total soluble seed proteins. The Ecoscan, 9 (1&2): 393-396. (NAAS: 5.06).
- Uma, G. P., Prabhuraj, A. and Nandini, 2015, Pathogenicity of a symbiotic bacterium, Photorhabdus luminescens cells and its secretion against Tetranychus macferlanei (Tetranychidae:Acari). Green Farming Int. J., 6(2): 377-380. (NAAS rating: 4.79).
- Abdul Khadar B. Prabhuraj A. Srinivasa Rao M. Sreenivas A.G. and Naganagoud A. 2014. Influence of elevated CO2 associated with chickpea on growth performance of gram caterpillar, Helicoverpa armigera (HÜB.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 12 (2): 345-353. (NAAS: 6.5)
- Pragati Meti, A.G. Sreenivas, K. Prakash, M. L. Jat, Venkateshalu, A. Prabhuraj and N. Manjunath. 2014. Management of shoot fly and stem borer in maize. J. Exp. Zool. India. Vol. 17 (1): 337-340. (NASS rating: 4.63).
- James R. Bell, Prabhuraj Aralimarad, Ka S. Lim and Jason W. Chapman. 2013. Predicting insect migration density and speed in the daytime convective boundary layer. PLoS ONE 8 (1): e54202 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054202 (NAAS: 9.73)
- Y. B. Srinivasa and A. Prabhuraj. 2012. Bt Cotton and bollworms: clearing a few clouds. Current Science. 102 (11): 1504-1506. (NAAS: 6.91)
- Prabhuraj Aralimarad, Andy M. Reynolds, Ka S. Lim, Don R. Reynolds, Jason W. Chapman. 2011. Flight altitude selection increases orientation performance in high-flying nocturnal insect migrants. Animal Behaviour 82 (2011). 1221-1225. (IP: 9.07)
- V.C. Patil, L. B. Hugar, P. Priya, A. Prabhuraj, V. Balaji. And N.T. Yaduraju. 2011. Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture Knowldege Management in India. World Applied Sciences Journal. 14 (5): 794-802. (IP: 7.5)
- Ranjith, M. T. A. Prabhuraj. and Y. B. Sreenivasa. 2010. Survival and reproduction of natural populations of Helicoverpa armigera on Bt-cotton hybrids in Raichur, India. Current Science. 99 (11): 1602-1606. (NAAS: 6.91)
Ad-hoc projects:
Sl. No. | Name of the Project | PI/Co-PI | Name of the funding agency | Year of operation | Amount ( in lakhs) |
1 | DST-FIST project | PI | DST, GOI | 2019-24 | 53.50 |
2 | Empowering extension personnel of the Sate Dept. of Horticulture through ICT platform, e-SAP for crop health management | PI | Govt. of Karnataka | 2019-21 | 210.00 |
3 | Guidance to the farmers in comprehensive management of pests and diseases using IT platform | PI | Govt. of Karnataka | 2017-19 | 500.00 |
4 | Comprehensive Agribusiness Extension Service (CABES) | PI | Govt. of Karnataka | 2017-18 | 75.00 |
5 | e-Pest surveillance in agricultural eco-systems | PI | RKVY, GOK | 2011-2015 | 306.00 |
6 | Rapid roving survey of cotton and paddy pests and diseases in TBP and UKP area through e-SAP | PI | Govt. Of Karnataka | 2013-14 | 6.04 |
7 | Engaging farmers and enriching knowledge | PI | NAIP – ICAR | 2013-2014 | 32.00 |
8 | Re-designing agriculture education-research-extension continuum | Co-PI | NAIP – ICAR | 2008-2011 | 72.00 |
9 | Integration of entomopathogenic nematodes with other biopesticides for the management of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) in chickpea | PI | NATP- ICAR | 2002-2005 | 17.50 |