Dr Shivaleela
Address (with email & Mobile) : Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Raichur
Email: shivaleelaent@gmail.com
Service period (in years) : 9 years
Educational qualification (Highest) : Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology)
Area of Specialization : Biocontrol
Courses taught
UG | Fundamentals of Entomology AET 101 (2+1) Principles of Integrated Pest Management AET 201(2+1) Bio pesticides and Bio fertilizers ELC 303(2+1) Production Technology for Bio-agents and Bio-fertilizers Module I ELP-411(0+10) ಬೆಳೆ ಕೀಟಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಪೀಡೆಗಳ ನಿರ್ವಹಣಾ ಪದ್ಧತಿ ಆಂಇಖಿ 102(1+2) |
PG | Insect Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition AET 502(2+1) |
- Projects
Present | 01 |
Past | 02 |
Sl. No. | Name of the Project | Duration | Funding Agent | Budget outlay |
1 | Bioefficacy of new molecules against insect pests of vegetables | 2 | Syngenta India Ltd | 24.00 |
| Bio efficacy of new molecules against pest complex in Tomato
| 2 | Syngenta India Ltd | 8.50 |
- of students guided
M.Sc | – |
Ph.D | – |
- Research Achievements
- As collaborator for release of cotton hirsutum variety BGDS-1063
- As collaborator for release of new cotton hybrid SHH-818
- Organic Cotton Production
- Extension Activities
- Publication details (Last 5 years) :
Hanchinal S.G., Shivaleela, Mallikarjun Warad and Akshatha,G.,2018, Efficacy of novel insecticides against sucking pests and bollworm of cotton. Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies 8(1) :1782-1785.
Shivaleela G and Rajesh Chowdary L,2020, Efficacy of new insecticide chemistry tolfenpyrad 15% EC against insect pests of cucumber( Cucumis sativus L.) Journal of Entomology and Zoology studies .8(1): 879-884
- Honours /Recognition : –