- A one-day workshop on Indian Bioresource Information Network was conducted on 10th March 2022 at UAS, Raichur. Which was organized by Dr. Prabhuraj. A, Professor and Head, Dept. of Entomology, UASR in the Entomology department Seminar Hall. Dr. K. N Ganeshaiah was the pillar of the workshop who headed the day and the team members Akshatha, Harshitha, Monika also were present and lead the workshop. Dr. Satyanarayana Rao, Dean (Agri.) College of Agriculture, UAS, Raichur was invited as guest. Three Post-graduate students from seven departments of Agriculture, took part in the workshop.
- The workshop began with the welcome note by Dr. K. N Ganeshaiah at 9:30 am followed by Software loading and Introduction to IBIN. Also distributed Jeeva sampada and Sasya Bharathi CDs to those students who actively participated in the program. After the tea break, in the second session Insect Mrs. Akshatha and team gave a demo on Recourses of India at 12:30pm. In the afternoon session an online talk through Zoom was organized in which Dr. R. Uma Shankar delt Species Discovery and Breaking the walls to shake hand; was held by Mr. Sachin A Rosario through Zoom. Again, in the late evening session Dr. K. N Ganeshaiah explained about using IBIN database to search plants from Mythology. Later the workshop was carried forward with fruitful discussion and certificate distribution. At the end few students shared their feedback and also thanked the team